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Planning Board Minutes06/11/07
Greenfield Planning Board
June 11, 2007
Minutes recorded by Joe Trudeau

Members present: Carrara, Halper, Morris, Fletcher, O’Connell, and Borden.  Alternate member Mitchell joined the meeting at 8:15 pm.

Carrara read aloud the minutes of the last meeting.  The following changes were noted:

Adel shall be changed to Adele.
Add that the motion was seconded for the Belmore Heirs subdivision.

Halper moved to approve the minutes with the aforementioned corrections.  The motion was seconded and all members voted in favor.

Major subdivision for Belmore Heirs on Cornwell Road
The woodland access road that runs through the northwest corner of the property was not removed from the plat as requested by the Board.  Earlier, Carrara had spoken with Mr. Robert Todd, the land surveyor, who said he had an ethical and professional dilemma with not including the road on the plat.  Some members of the Board had concerns that there may be future implied access to cross the property, which there is none.  Due to the complexities of making new plats and burning another Mylar copy the Board generally agreed that since there isn’t an easement to use the road then it should not present any problems in the future if left on the plats.   Morris moved to delete the contingency of removing the “Woodland Access Road” from the plat.  Halper voted against the motion; Morris, Fletcher, Borden, and O’Connell voted in favor; Carrara abstained.  The subdivision has obtained final approval.  The plats were signed by the Board.

Minutes Clarification
In clarification of the May 14, 2007 meeting when the Board had discussed back lots, the minimum upland area is that of the underlying district and that the “square” referred to in Zoning Ordinance sec. 4, General Regulations and Restrictions E, 1, A should be all upland area as well.

Neonakis Preliminary Conceptual Consultation on Old Bennington Road
?Carl Johnson from Coldwell Banker, who represents both the buyer and the seller of the property on Old Bennington Road, came to the Board to ask what the owner, Ms. Neonakis, would need to do for the minor subdivision of her property.  He was curious if there could be any relief from the requirements for subdivision application.  Carrara said specifically that the Board would require a perc test, topographic maps, wetlands delineation, a curb cut approved by the Director of Public Works, and two acres of upland; all this for the proposed lot on the non-house side of the road.  Basically, the regular requirements for subdivision applications must be met.  When asked, Mr. Johnson added that there is truly only one deed for the property.  Mr. Johnson can be reached at 603-320-2846.
?At 9:15, Irene Neonakis arrived.  She was unaware that Mr. Johnson had been in earlier on her behalf.  The Board informed her of what had been discussed with Mr. Johnson.  Carrara briefed Mrs. Neonakis on the steps involved in subdivision, including the surveying, abutter notification, and other steps.

Wilco Holdings, LLC major Subdivision on Francestown Road
The Board looked over the plat and verified that the deficiencies have been corrected.  The subdivision has obtained final approval.  The plats were signed.  The Board officially received the necessary Declaration of Easement Access.

Douglas and Mary Ann Rupert Minor Subdivision
The Ruperts received two tax bills on their property, but they feel that their subdivision was not approved until after April 1 so it should not be taxed as such.  The subdivision was conditionally approved on March 12. Final approval was not given until April 9, when the plat was signed. Halper suggested there should be no conditional approval, either plats are approved or not.  Morris replied that it gives both sides a sense of an agreement.  Carrara needs to inform the Board of Selectmen that it was conditionally approved March 12 and it was the Boards mistake.
From now on, the Board may still grant conditional approval, but the plats will not be signed until the Board grants final approval. Final approval will only be given when all conditions have been met and all non-Board signatures have been obtained. The approval date and the signing date will be the same from now on. Also, plats will only be signed at regularly scheduled meetings.

Plowshare Farm (Lyris) Preliminary Conceptual Consultation
The not-for-profit special needs extended family farm wishes to build a 9 bedroom home on an existing lot but the Zoning Ordinances require that no more than 4 unrelated people may reside in a dwelling.  It is the feeling of the Board that the towns conventional Zoning Ordinances do not apply strictly to this situation because it is a non-profit institutional entity.  Carrara read aloud the Site Plan Review Regulations which states that a change from single family to multi family home requires a Site Plan Review.  However, the farm is not changing its underlying purpose.  Dawn Tuomala, who was speaking as a public member, suggested that a waiver from the ZBA would suffice.  The representatives from the farm stressed the point that the farm is not a group home or institution but it is a home for all the residents.  O’Connell stated that since the farm is a non-profit they may be able to skirt around some of the Zoning Ordinances since they are designed for individual ownership situations.  Carrara feels that Site Plan Review is necessary and the abutters on all side of the whole campus, not just the lot in question, should be notified.  Despite the blanket approach to notification, certain inapplicable requirements may be waived.  At some point as the farm grows they may consider becoming a campus and they should look at the rules and regulations governing that.  

John Halper-CIP
        Halper discussed the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) including the interviewer instructions, responsibilities of CIP volunteers, public notice and involvement, and timeline.  Karla Allen has not been at many meetings and Dario will contact her since committing to the CIP will require her attendance at numerous meetings through November.   

Zoning Board of Adjustment request for comment from Planning Board: case  07-4
In the village district on Zephyr Lake Road a man wants to put a separate garage on his lot but it will not meet the setback requirements.  He needs a variance because it will not meet the setback on the side of his lot by 4 feet.  Mitchell suggested that variances are typically granted when land-related issues are confronted such as a ledge, and it would be preferable for the garage to be moved to meet the Ordinance.  Morris asked if they face a hardship by placing it somewhere else on the property.  Morris made the motion that if the garage can be placed on the property in a manner which satisfies all the zoning requirements then the variance should not be granted.  Seconded and voted in favor by Fletcher, Halper, Morris, and Carrara.  O’Connell and Borden disqualified themselves.

Greenfield CIP Update Interviewer Instructions
LGC Junkyard Workshop Flier
LGC “Knowing the Territory” seminar
Greenfield Building Permits
Board of Selectmen letter to Irene Neonakis
OE&P memo to Planning Board Re: Land Use Regulations
Memo to Planning Board from Catherine Re: Rupert Subdivision
Greenfield Budget Advisory Committee Minutes
Board of Selectmen Minutes for May 8, 15, and 22, 2007

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting; seconded and all voted in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 10:35pm.